Century 21 Excelsior Realty Cap Program Explanation



Our cap program allows all agents to make more money than the historical agent split model. The split model does not work well in today's market, where agents cannot produce enough business to maintain their higher split due to lower production.

As a courtesy to all our agents, we have set the bar for year one at a $15,000 annual Cap, and in year two, it shall increase to a $20,000 annual Cap.

We will not charge you a desk fee in year one, as we want everyone to be successful and build their business profitably without the stress of a monthly obligation.

All pending transactions will honor your agency split contract before the Cap Program inception of 7/1/2024.

Signed listing agreements up to 7/1/2024 shall honor your current split contract.

All transactions on or after 7/1/2024 will be counted towards your contract term annual cap. (Ex. 7/1/24-7/1/25)

All agents can buy down their annual cap by recruiting agents. Earn $1,000.00 for each recruit that Caps the first contract year.

Get Ready to unleash your earning potential!


Step 1) Please watch the video below from Douglas Cabral

Step 2) Let's Compare your current Tier to a Cap of $15,000 in year one and a $20,000 Cap in year two.

Step 3) Book a call with your broker to discuss the program. Q&A

Step 4) Execute your Independent Contract Agreement and start building Wealth!

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